Most secure sites require foot patrol rounds by security officers, and monitoring needs to be done regularly. The longer the premises are watched, the harder it is for intruders to commit unlawful acts. Even the presence of a security guard in a restricted area, and not just "on duty" in a guard shack, is enough to deter trespassers. Patrol duty is, however, an expensive service because it relies on the professionalism and commitment of the individuals involved. It therefore requires more investment in wages, benefits, and management resources.
Pensees has thus developed autonomous mobile patrol robots to address the challenges of patrolling and protecting, aimed at reducing costs and improving the quality of patrols.
The Pensees Patrol Robot has been programmed to accommodate numerous deployment and operation scenarios to maximise surveillance patrols, and has been made user-friendly.
The robot can patrol multiple routes for different times of the day for different circumstances and scenarios
The robot can circumvent any obstacles placed in its path and will autonomously patrol the planned route from its start point to the destination point
Cameras on board the robot provide a 360 degree video surveillance and video analytics will actively process and monitor the video streams to detect and alert the Control Center of any security incidents in real-time
Videos are stored securely within the robot’s storage, allowing the user to choose any video channel to view real-time on screen.
Upon completing its patrol route, the Patrol Robot can be recharged via the Charging Station at the FCC and be dispatched on its next patrol route.
In the pandemic, patrol robots can be your new security solution - one that helps prevent exposure to the virus. Our robots can be dispatched to designated quarantined areas and avoid staff exposure to risk of harm or infection. They can extend coverage and complement existing CCTV Security Surveillance System as well.

CCTV systems are the way to record and capture evidence of these crimes in action - which can lead to prosecution and help to remove these criminals from the streets. Contact mobile locksmith san francisco for any info regarding CCTV cameras installation.